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Supercharge Spring Boot with RapidApp's PostgreSQL Service

· 5 min read
Huseyin BABAL
Software Developer

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, Spring Boot has emerged as a beacon for Java developers seeking to streamline their application development process. One of Spring Boot's most powerful features is its ability to utilize "starters" – pre-configured sets of code and dependencies that can be easily included in projects to provide specific functionality. These starters not only save time but also enforce best practices and reduce the likelihood of errors.

Understanding Spring Boot Starters

Spring Boot starters are essentially a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. Each starter provides a quick way to add and configure a specific technology or feature to your Spring Boot application, without the hassle of managing individual dependencies and their compatible versions. This approach significantly simplifies the build configuration, enabling developers to focus more on their application's unique functionality rather than boilerplate code and configuration.

The starters cover a wide range of needs, from web applications with spring-boot-starter-web to data access with spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, and much more. By abstracting complex configurations, starters offer a seamless, convention-over-configuration approach, adhering to the Spring Boot philosophy.

Introducing RapidApp Postgres Starter


Create a free database in Rapidapp Starter in seconds here

Building on the concept of starters, we are excited to introduce the spring-boot-starter-rapidapp for users of RapidApp, a SaaS platform that includes PostgreSQL as a service. This starter is designed to make it incredibly easy for Spring Boot applications to integrate with a RapidApp PostgreSQL database, eliminating the need for developers to manage the database themselves.

Here's how it works:

  1. Easy Configuration: Developers need to add a few lines to their or application.yml file, specifying that they want to enable RapidApp Postgres, their API key, and the database ID. This is all it takes to configure the connection to the RapidApp PostgreSQL database:
<!-- pom.xml -->
<version>0.0.2</version> <!-- Replace with the latest version -->
# application.yaml
enabled: true
apiKey: <your_api_key> # Obtain from
  1. Automatic Resource Management: When a Spring Boot application using the spring-boot-starter-rapidapp is run, the starter automatically creates a PostgreSQL database, prepares a datasource and establishes a connection to the created PostgreSQL database. This is not the only use-case that you can achieve with Rapidapp starter project, let's take a look a couple of use cases.

Rapidapp starter use-cases

Temporary database

Assume you need a temporary database for a short-term task, where a PostgreSQL database is set up before your Spring Boot application starts and is destroyed before the application shuts down. While you could use an in-memory database like H2, imagine you have multiple replicas of your Spring Boot app that need to connect to a central database, such as PostgreSQL, in Rapidapp. You can easily accomplish this by configuring your Spring Boot project with the following steps:

# application.yaml
enabled: true
apiKey: <your_api_key> # Obtain from
dropBeforeApplicationExit: true

Connecting to a pre-configured database

There are several ways to create a PostgreSQL database in Rapidapp. You can create it directly through the Rapidapp UI or automate the process using the Rapidapp Terraform Provider within your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) pipeline. After creating the PostgreSQL database, you can easily obtain the database ID by navigating to Details > Connection Properties and copying the database ID. Then, you can add it to your Spring application properties file as shown below.

# application.yaml
enabled: true
apiKey: <your_api_key> # Obtain from
databaseId: <db_id>

You can optionally provide a database name for display in the Rapidapp UI (this name does not affect the actual database name). If you don't specify one, Rapidapp will automatically generate a name for your database.

Advantages of Using Spring Boot Starters like RapidApp Starter

The use of starters, including the RapidApp starter, brings several advantages to the table:

  • Simplicity: By abstracting the complexity of dependency management and configuration, starters make it much simpler to add and configure new features in a Spring Boot application.
  • Speed: Starters can significantly reduce the time required to bootstrap new applications or add new features, enabling faster development cycles.
  • Best Practices: Starters are designed with best practices in mind, ensuring that applications are configured optimally right from the start.
  • Focus on Business Logic: With starters handling much of the boilerplate code and configuration, developers can focus more on the unique business logic of their applications.

In conclusion, the spring-boot-starter-rapidapp exemplifies how Spring Boot starters can be leveraged to simplify and optimize application development. By providing an easy and efficient way to integrate Spring Boot applications with RapidApp's managed PostgreSQL service, it opens up new possibilities for developers to build scalable, serverless applications with minimal overhead. As the ecosystem of Spring Boot starters continues to grow, the opportunities for developers to innovate and streamline their development processes will only expand.


You can see the demo project here